How to un underline in Google Sheets 

“Un underlining” in Google Sheets refers to the process of removing underlines from text within cells. This feature is useful when you want to modify the formatting of your spreadsheet or when you want to present data without underlines for aesthetic or readability purposes. By un underlining, you can customize the appearance of your text and create a cleaner, more professional look in your Google Sheets documents.

Case 1 – Un-underlining a text in Google Sheets

In this tutorial, we will work with a dataset that includes an underlined name of authors and the E-Book URL. Our goal is to learn how to remove the underline. By following the steps provided, you will be able to un-underline the author and achieve the desired formatting in Google Sheets.

Method 1 – Un-underlining by Using the Format option

Step 1 – Select the cell

  •  Select the cell or range of cells that contain the underlined text.

Step 2 – Remove underlines

  • Click on the “Format” tab in the menu bar at the top.
  • From the drop-down menu, hover over the “Text” option. A sub-menu will appear.
  • In the sub-menu, click on the “UnderLine” option. 
  •  After that, the underlined text in the cell will be un-underlined.

Method 2 – Un-underlining by using Shortcut keys 

Step 1 – Select the cell

  • Select the cells which you want un-underline. 

Step 2 – Remove underlines

  • Press Ctrl+U on your keyboard
  • The underlined text will be un-underlined.

Case 2 – Removing the underline from the hyperlinks 

Sometimes, you have to remove the underline from hyperlinks in Google Sheets. Hyperlinks are commonly used to link to external websites or other locations within the spreadsheet. However, the default formatting includes underlining the hyperlink text, which may not always align with your desired presentation style. By following the step-by-step instructions provided, you will be able to remove the underlines from hyperlinks, allowing you to create a cleaner and more polished look in your Google Sheets documents.

Step 1 – Select the cell 

  •  Select the cell or range of cells that contain the underlined text.

Step 2 – Remove the underlines from Hyperlinks 

  • Press Ctrl+U on your keyboard.
  • The underlined text will be un-underlined.