How to move everything down one row in Excel
You can watch a video tutorial here.
Excel is a popular spreadsheet application in which the workspace is arranged as rows and columns in the form of a grid. Each intersection of a row and column is called a cell. When working with Excel, you may need to move all the data down one row, without disturbing the data. This could be to format the sheet or insert blank rows.
Option 1 – Insert a row
Step 1 – Select the row

- Select the top row
- Right-click to display the context menu
- Select Insert
Step 2 – View the result

- All the data in the sheet is moved one row down
Option 2 – Drag and drop
Step 1 – Select the cells

- Select all the data
- Position the pointer at the border of the selected area
Step 2 – Drag and drop

- When the cursor changes to a move pointer, click the left mouse button
- Holding down the button, drag the area down one row
- Release the mouse button when the cells are in the new location
Option 3 – Cut & paste
Step 1 – Select the cells

- Select all the data
- Right-click to display the context menu and select Cut or press Ctrl+X
Step 2 – Paste at the new location

- Position the cursor one row down
- Right-click to display the context menu and select Paste or press Ctrl+V
Step 3 – View the result

- Everything is moved down one row