How to hyperlink text in Excel

You can watch a video tutorial here.

In Excel, you can create a link to an external resource such as a website, a document, or an email. This is useful when you need to provide a reference to the text on your sheet. For example, when providing information about a company, you can create a hyperlink to the company’s website. You could paste the URL of the website which will automatically insert a hyperlink, but this could make the sheet look untidy. A better option is to hyperlink the text to the URL. 

There are two ways of doing this:

  1. Using the menu option
  2. Using the HYPERLINK() function
    • HYPERLINK(): this inserts a link to a website, document, or folder
      • Syntax: HYPERLINK(link, name)
        1. link: the URL of a website or the path to a file or folder
        2. name(optional): the name to be displayed in the cell

Option 1 – Use the menu option

Step 1 – Open the Insert Hyperlink box

  • Select the text to be hyperlinked
  • Go to Home > Links 
  • Expand the Links dropdown
  • Click on Insert Link


  • Right-click and select Link from the context menu

Step 2 – Add the URL

  • Select Existing File or Web Page
  • Type the URL under Address:
  • Click OK

Step 3 – Check the result

  • The format of the text changes indicating that it is a hyperlink
  • Clicking on the link opens the website

Option 2 – Use the HYPERLINK() function

Step 1 – Add the HYPERLINK() function

  • Select the cell where the link is to be inserted
  • Type the formula:


  • Press Enter

Step 2 – Check the result

  • The format of the text changes indicating that it is a hyperlink
  • Clicking on the link opens the website