How to delete tables in Excel
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Excel has the provision to convert a set of data into a table. Once the table is created you may need to delete the table as it is no longer needed. It is possible to have multiple tables in a sheet, so here we will see how to delete multiple tables in Excel without deleting any other text that is on the same sheet.
Step 1 – Delete the first table

– Select the first table
– Go to Home > Cells > Delete > Delete Table Rows
Go to Home > Cells > Delete > Delete Table Columns
Right-click for the context menu and click Delete > Table Columns
Right-click for the context menu and click Delete > Table Rows
Press Delete on the keyboard
Note: The Delete Columns/Rows option also deletes the columns/rows so the remaining text on the sheet will move accordingly
Step 2 – Delete the second table

– Select the second table
– Go to Home > Cells > Delete > Delete Table Rows
Go to Home > Cells > Delete > Delete Table Columns
Right-click for the context menu and click Delete > Table Columns
Right-click for the context menu and click Delete > Table Rows
Note: The Delete Columns/Rows option also deletes the columns/rows so the remaining text on the sheet will move accordingly
Step 3 – Check the result

– Check that the table has been deleted and that the text on the sheet remains
– As the Delete Columns option was used for the second table, the text moves to the left