How to Compare two cells in Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool used by millions of individuals and organizations around the world to manage, analyze, and visualize data.Excel allows users to create and manipulate spreadsheets, which can contain a variety of data types including numbers, text, dates, and formulas. The program also includes a wide range of powerful tools and features, such as built-in charting, pivot tables, and data analysis tools, that make it possible to perform complex data analysis and manipulation tasks with ease.
In this tutorial we will learn how to compare two cells in Microsoft Excel. Comparing cells in Microsoft Excel is a useful way to check for similarities or differences in data. It can be used to identify duplicate values, match data from different sources, or validate data entered into a spreadsheet. There are several methods for comparing cells in Excel
In the Excel workbook we have a data set containing 5 pairs of cells.Second,third and fourth pairs are different from each other and First and Last pairs are the same.
Method 1 : Compare the cells using equals sign
Step 1 – Select a Blank Cell

- Select a blank targeted cell where you want to compare the cells.
Step 2 – Place an Equals sign

- Place an equals sign ( = ) in the blank targeted cell.
Step 3 – Compare the Cells by Placing Equals sign in between

- Enter the address of the first cell to be compared.
- Place an Equals Sign ( = ).
- Enter the address of the second cell to be compared.
Step 4 – Press the Enter Key

- Press the Enter Key to get a value.
- If the targeted cell returns TRUE then the cells compared have the same value.
- If the targeted cell returns False then the cells compared do not have the same values.
Step 5 – Apply the formula on all the rows

- Use the “Handle Select” and “Drag and Drop” method to apply the formula on all the rows.
Method 2 : Use the EXACT function to Compare two cell
Step 1 – Select a Blank Cell

- Select a blank targeted cell where you want to compare the cells.
Step 2 – Place an Equals sign

- Place an equals sign ( = ) in the blank targeted cell.
Step 3 – Use the Exact function

- Use the EXACT function to compare two cells.
- The EXACT function takes two arguments,compares them and returns TRUE if the arguments have the same value or same case in case of text data or False if arguments do not have the same value.
- The syntax of EXACT function is
- The first argument i.e. A2 is the first cell to be compared.
- The second argument i.e. B2 is the second cell to be compared.
Step 4 – Press the Enter Key

- Press the Enter Key to get the results.
Step 5 – Apply the EXACT function all the rows

- Use the “Handle Select” and “Drag and Drop” method to apply the EXACT function on all the rows.