How to clear conditional formatting in Microsoft Excel
Clearing conditional formatting refers to the process of removing any formatting rules or conditions that have been applied to a selected range of cells. This can be useful when you want to remove formatting that is no longer needed or when you want to start over with a clean slate.
In this tutorial, we will learn how to clear conditional formatting in Microsoft Excel. In Excel, conditional formatting can be removed using the Quick Analysis tool, or we can clear formatting using the Conditional Formatting list in the Styles section of the Home tab. Another instant method to remove formatting is using keyboard shortcut keys.
Method 1: Using the Quick Analysis Tool
Step 1 – Select the Cell Range

- Select the range of the cells from which you want to remove the formatting.
Step 2 – Click on Quick Analysis Icon

- Click on the Quick Analysis icon.
Step 3 – Click on the Clear Format Button

- Click on the Clear Format button.
Method 2: Using the Conditional Formatting List
Step 1 – Select the Cell Range

- Select the range of the cells from which you want to remove the formatting.
Step 2 – Click on the Conditional Formatting List Arrow

- Click on the Conditional Formatting list arrow.
- A drop-down list will appear.
Step 3 – Click on the Clear Rules Option

- Click on the Clear Rules option.
- Select the suitable option i.e. clear rules from the selection or from the entire sheet.
- Conditional Formatting will be removed.
Method 3: Using the Keyboard Shortcut Keys
Step 1 – Select the Cell Range

- Select the range of the cells from which you want to remove the formatting.
Step 2 – Press the Keyboard Shortcut Keys

- Press the ALT+H+L+C+S shortcut keys to remove the formatting from the selected range.
- To remove the selection from the entire sheet we can press the ALT+H+L+C+E shortcut keys.