How to change background color in Excel

Microsoft Excel offers a very interesting way to change the background color of a cell. We can use this functionality of excel to change the color of one cell or even multiple cells. We can perform the below mentioned way to change background color in excel:
We’ll learn about this methodology step by step.
To do this yourself, please follow the steps described below;
Change background color in excel:
Step 1 – Excel sheet with some values in cells

– Open the desired Excel workbook in which you want to change the background color of the cell
– Now go to a particular cell where you want to change the background color or in other words make this cell an active cell (In our case it is cell “D4” as shown in the image above).
Step 2 – Make a cell active

– Now in the “Font” ribbon under the “Home” menu, click on the drop down option of “Fill Color”, as shown in the image above.
Step 3 – Exploring the “Fill Color” option and color grid

– Now choose any color from the color grid which appears. After selecting a color, that color will become the background color of the active cell. (Yellow has been chosen in our case)