How to add 3 years to a date in Excel.
Excel is a widely-used software application for data analysis and management, and it has a wide range of features that can help users manipulate and analyze data effectively. One of the most common tasks performed in Excel is working with dates, and often users need to add a specific number of years to date. In this tutorial, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to add three years to a date in Excel.

Here we have a dataset that contains four columns of which two are for Date and two for Sales. One of the Date columns is empty. We will add the 3 Years to the 1st column and print it in the third column using two different methods. Let’s have a look at the dataset.
Method – 1 DATE formula.
Step – 1 Type the formula.

- Select the cell where you want to add the formula.
- Syntax of the formula:
=DATE(YEAR(Cell_Address)+(Number of years),MONTH(Cell_Address),DAY(Cell_Address))
- In our case formula will be:
YEAR(A1)+3: This calculates the year of the date in cell A1 and adds 3 to it.
MONTH(A1): This extracts the month from the date in cell A1.
DAY(A1): This extracts the day from the date in cell A1.
Step – 2 Find the rest of the dates.

- Select the cell with the formula.
- Drag that cell from the bottom right to the rest of the cells.
- All the values will appear automatically.
Method – 2 EDATE formula.
Step – 1 Type the formula.

- Select the cell where you want to add the formula.
- Syntax of the formula:
- =EDATE(Cell_Address,Number_of_months_in_years)
- In our case formula will be:
The “36” in the formula represents the number of months in 3 years (3 x 12 = 36). The EDATE function adds the specified number of months to the date in cell A1 to get the new date.
Step – 2 Find the rest of the dates.

- Select the cell with the formula.
- Drag that cell from the bottom right to the rest of the cells.
- All the values will appear automatically.