How to spell check in Google Sheets
Google sheet does not run spelling checking by default, so, we have to initiate this process manually. After initiating the process Google Sheets asks you to start spell check in all tabs or in the current tab only. Google sheet automatically detects the wrong spelling and shows the suggestion. If Google sheet detects any wrong spelling it gives suggestions of right spelling and gives three options i.e Change , Ignore and Add to Dictionary.
Change and ignore has options to change all and ignore all.
Below are the steps to follow to check the spelling in Google sheet;
Google sheet is a powerful tool for calculation and data manipulations. Therefore, Google sheet is enriched with a lot of functions and tools to perform calculations and handle numeric data. However, google sheets are also enriched with functions and tools for text handling and manipulation. Spelling check is one of those functions which allows you to run a complete spell check on your sheet for any typo mistakes or spelling mistakes. In this tutorial we’ll learn about using this special tool to run the Spell Check sequence in Google Sheets.
Step 1 – Click the Tools in menu bar
Above is an animation as an example.
– Click on the Tools menu.
– Dropdown menu will appear.
– Click on spelling.
– Yah side menu will appear.
– Click on spell check.
– A dialogue box will appear on the top right corner of the screen.
– It will check all the spellings by itself and show the suggestion one by one.
– Select the right spelling and choose the options as per requirement.