How to copy a formula in Google Sheets

You can watch a video tutorial here.

One of the great things about Google Sheets is the ease with which complex formulas and calculations can be done. Using cell references it is easy to create formulas that can be copied to other rows or columns. The cell references change according to the direction in which the formula is copied. If the formula is copied down a column, the row number changes but the column remains the same. If it is copied across a row, the column changes and the row number remains the same.

You may have a worksheet in which you have created a formula in one cell and it has to be copied to the rest of the cells in the column. There are a few ways in which a formula can be applied to an entire column in Google Sheets:

  1. Using the fill handle
  2. Using Copy and Paste

Option 1 – Use the fill handle

Step 1 – Type the formula

  • Select the first cell of the column that is to contain the formula
  • Type the formula using cell references


Step 2 – Copy the formula

  • Select the cell with the formula
  • Move the pointer over the fill handle i.e. the box in the lower right corner of the cell
  • When the pointer changes to a cross, double-click
  • The formula will be copied to the rest of the column

Option 2 – Use Copy & Paste

Step 1 – Type the formula

  • Select the first cell of the column that is to contain the formula
  • Type the formula using cell references


Step 2 – Copy the formula

  • Select the cell with the formula
  • Right-click and select Copy from the context menu or press Ctrl+C 

Step 3 – Paste the formula

  • Select the rest of the column
  • Right-click and select Paste from the context menu or press Ctrl+V 

Step 4 – Check the result

  • The formula will be copied to the rest of the column